con·gru·ence kənˈɡro͞oəns,ˈkäNGɡro͞oəns/ noun “An alignment in your thoughts, words and actions.” Is how you do one thing, how you do everything? The biggest differentiator I have...
Stephen Guise founded the award-winning Deep Existence blog in 2011. He has been writing about and researching personal growth strategies since 2004 and has written a book...
These 10 steps below are how I added my marketing expertise to social media startups funded by the Co-Founder of Facebook and saw traction in the...
World class strategy and mindset coach Jeffery Combs has mentored over 9000 individual clients and has been an entrepreneur for over 30 years. Jeffery’s coaching calls, and...
Abraham Lincoln is remembered as one of the greatest American presidents of all time. Abe Lincoln fought for equality within the US and was eventually assassinated on April...
From the Ambani’s in India to the Villa Leopolda in France, we share with you a nifty little infographic courtesy of DoMyOwnHomeLoan that covers the Top 13...
Have the inspiring words from your mission statement become buried deep beneath the profit and loss statement? It’s easy for success to become shallow. When our...