Many people work very hard in business. Some spend thousands of dollars on coaches, training, and positioning themselves as experts or “gurus” in whatever niche they...
The journey we’re all are on is similar. We have to deal with rejection, failure, unpleasant underarm smells, success, people we don’t like, death, kids (may...
Permitting yourself to be vulnerable may imply weakness, a lack of character and an inability to meet life on life’s terms. On the flip side, it...
As a blogger, I cop a lot of heat for delivering the truth rather than sugar-coating it with Instagram selfies, perfect image filters and nice words....
When you think of the word prolific, what images spring to mind? Artists are prolific. So are novelists, journalists, photographers and musicians. Those in creative fields...
I had a coaching call with a client recently and it was a trainwreck. I’m trying to get them to create content and they keep peering...
If there is one thing I hate in life it is waste! My mother always told me not to waste food and being a good son...