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Success Advice

How to Help Your Child Succeed in Life: 7 Tips From a Psychologist



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All parents want their children to be successful in life, and it’s absolutely normal. But, raising successful children is not as simple as it might seem at first sight. To help kids achieve their potential, parents typically encourage them to get good grades or play sports. These things are good, but there is way more you can do to set your child up for success.

So, if you wonder how to make your child succeed in life, keep reading this article, where I outline the most effective tips on how to do it.

1. Maintain Close Parent-Child Relationships

According to a research study conducted by Harvard University, the quality of family relationships sets the foundation for a happy and successful life for a child. A child receiving warm and nurturing care develops a secure attachment, which significantly increases the chances of having positive development and outcomes. In other words, parents determine child success starting from the day their kids are born. So no matter how many classes your child takes, it will not bring positive results until they have close relationships with you.

2. Encourage Your Child to Do Chores

Even though most children hate doing chores, this daily routine can help kids succeed in the future. It can be explained by a high level of discipline and responsibility that develops while completing household duties.

Whether your child has to take out the garbage, walk the dog, or do the dishes, these activities are useful. Based on my professional experience, assigning household chores is a perfect way to show your kid the value of hard work. In this way, the child understands that each person must contribute to the betterment of the whole.

3. Move to a Neighborhood With Opportunities to Grow

The third important tip on setting your child up for success is moving to the best community your family can afford. If the child grows up in an area with quality schools and ample career opportunities, they are more likely to succeed than their peers from disadvantaged areas.

According to an article published by the American Sociological Review, children living in low-income neighborhoods are less likely to graduate school and build a successful career. These areas can be characterized by the lack of quality schools, kindergartens, grocery stores, pharmacies, and parks that help promote a child’s development and academic achievement.

“Behind every successful child is an adult who believed in him.” – Rick Warren

4. Improve Your Child’s Social Skills

Having a solid set of social skills is another key factor linked to job success, independence, and emotional well-being. How can a child be successful in life if they are unable to convey their thoughts and maintain positive interactions with others?

As a psychologist, I can state that children with well-developed social skills usually benefit from improved mental capacity and cognitive abilities. Kids with weak social skills often suffer from stress and loneliness, which does not contribute to a successful future.

5. Teach Your Preschooler Basic Academic Skills

If the child begins school with a mastery of early math and literacy concepts, they are more likely to achieve a high level of academic performance in the future. So, if you want to help your child succeed in school, encourage them to read at least two books per month and get acquainted with basic math concepts.

Preschoolers are too young to do it without help. Thus, you should either regularly teach them on your own or hire a qualified educator who specializes in preparing children for school. 

6. Don’t Let Them Quit Easily

Our lives are full of challenges that we should accept and overcome with dignity and respect. Prepare your child for these difficulties by teaching them not to give up easily. For example, your kid is likely to be involved in some sport or a dancing class. At some point, they will complain about the hard work and practice associated with this activity. If there is not a legitimate reason to stop the activity, motivate the child to carry on by highlighting the benefits of this sport/class.

Teaching children to overcome difficulties is the most effective way to raise successful sons and daughters.

7. Allow Your Child to Make Mistakes

The last but not least important tip on how to raise a well-educated child who succeeds in life is to not punish them for making mistakes. It’s normal to lose a sports game or fail an important test. And any loss or failure provides an unforgettable experience for the future. 

So, if you want to know how to prepare your child for real life after school, allowing them to make mistakes is part of the process. These lifelong lessons are far more meaningful than words.

By understanding how to educate your child to succeed, you will be able to open new possibilities for them. The tips listed above can significantly help you achieve this goal, but only if followed properly. As a result, you can make your children’s lives more meaningful and optimistic. 

Natalie Maximets is a certified life transformation coach and a contributing writer at She’s dedicated her heart and mind to helping others through life-changing events and reinventing a better version of themselves.

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