‘Computer Says No’ Type People Are The Problem.

Saying no without listening is the problem.
It’s the cause of why we fail to innovate. It’s a form of arrogance that focuses all of our energy on our own selfish thoughts. This never-ending pursuit of one’s self-importance is the cause of everything, as a human race, we do not want.
Ciggies, Panadol and Coke Zero enter the room.
Last week, I had a profitable business idea squashed by one of those computer says no types that this article is based on.
She entered the room.
Before I opened my mouth, she looked like she was pissed off and acted superior.
She then placed her half-smoked packet of ciggies, her full bottle of Coke Zero (who’s fooled by this so-called ‘healthy option’) and a fresh packet of Panadol on the table. If that’s not a cocktail of problems right, there then I don’t know what is – back to the story.
I explained the business proposition, and before I finished, she said no.
“That’s not how we do things.”
“Let’s create a project.”
“Let’s write a strategy.”
“We don’t have the resources.”
When is it ever the right time? When will we ever have the right strategy? From what I’ve seen, a project equals taking our time and wasting our competitive advantage. Success is about moving quickly. Success is about listening. Success is about trying new things and not following the old way.
It’s the lack of emotion that is the problem.
This story above was disappointing for the fact that there was no emotion. It wasn’t two people having a conversation; it was one person being unemotional like a computer and spitting out a generic answer, while the other person just wanted to be heard.
No one has all the answers.
The computer says no mindset suggests that there is a hierarchy. It suggests that some people should be worshipped while others should bow down. This old model of the business world died a long time ago.
“We’re all global citizens that are equal and deserve to be heard”
The very answers these computer says no people think they have are what needs to change. Their answers are built on old models and need an upgrade. There is no one answer. The solution to different problems is never the same and the solutions are forever changing. The market is forever changing. People are forever changing. Nothing is static. Everything is in flux.
They don’t listen; they just say no.
Listening is where everything begins. You’ll never be successful unless you learn to listen. Listening is a skill and it’s forgotten way too often. Less is more. Understanding the problem and being brilliant is in the listening.
“Most of the answers you seek are hidden in the dialogue you’re currently ignoring”
Next time the computer says no, tell the computer you’re only accepting yes.
Let’s not make this a whinge session. What can we do about these computer says no people? Tell them that you’re only accepting yes. Be relentless. Challenge them and make them feel uncomfortable. Don’t allow yourself to be ignored. Do all of this with respect.
Part of what causes these no responses is laziness. It’s easier to say no than it is to exuberate energy and try to say yes. Now I’m not saying the Panadol, Coke Zero and ciggies were the entire cause (or am I?) but energy sure plays a part. When we’re living in a state of perpetual tiredness, we make dumb, computer says no, decisions.
You do have energy though. Your energy can break through the no’s and somehow find a way to get to a yes. Don’t accept defeat. Refuse to fail.
It’s easy to say no.
No requires very little thought. No says “Let’s just remain the same and not change anything.”
No is the easy way out for these computer says no people. Don’t let them win so easily.
See their weakness for saying yes and challenge it.
Make them work for their no.
Get them to give you clear and articulate reasons as to why the answer is no. Don’t let them get away with being lazy. Force factual evidence to be provided. Bring other people in to support your rationale for them to say yes. Go up the line. Speak to their boss if you have to.
Whatever you do, make them work for their no. Don’t allow them to get away with being lazy.
Don’t let the human race fail to progress because someone is not willing to use critical thinking and spend time tackling issues head-on.
No doesn’t mean no.
No means not right now.
No means I’m scared.
No means I don’t understand.
No means I might be threatened by you.
Try to find the true meaning of why you’re being told no. Computer says no type people are often fearful and scared of uncertainty. They look for proven ways rather than going into the shadows and searching for the unknown – also known as a new approach.
All is not lost.
These people can be changed. We can change their mindset. All of us need to be part of the solution to stamp out this epidemic. Pointing out the problem is not enough; we must empower each other to be part of the solution.
***Final Thought***
Computer says no people are tearing apart good ideas. They’re preventing innovation and they must be stopped. You have the power to force them to change and to listen. It begins and ends with each one of us not allowing this mediocrity in our communities, companies and social lives to continue on.
I declare Computer Say’s No Behaviour unacceptable.
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