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Success Advice

How to Build Character That Guarantees Lasting Success

Your character is what sets you apart from others



building character
Image Credit: Midjourney

It is easy to get caught up in the idea that success is solely based on one’s abilities and talents. While it is true that having skills and talent can take you far in life, it is ultimately your character that determines how long you stay at the top. 

Your abilities may open doors for you and give you a head start in your career or personal goals, but it is your character that ultimately defines who you are as a person. 

Most notably, your character is what sets you apart from others—what people remember about you despite what talents you have and what success you have achieved.

The Characteristics of Character

Being of good character means having integrity, honesty, resilience, and humility. It means being able to face challenges with grace and perseverance, and to treat others with respect and kindness. It means being able to admit when you are wrong, and to learn from your mistakes.

When you exhibit these aspects of character, people are more likely to trust and respect you. They will be drawn to your authenticity and your ability to handle difficult situations with grace and maturity. 

Your character will also help you build strong relationships with others, both personally and professionally. In times of adversity, it is your character that will guide you through. 

It is easy to be successful when everything is going well, but it is during challenging times that your true character is revealed.

“Talent sets the floor, character sets the ceiling.” — Bill Belichick

How to Develop Good Character

Character is not something that can be bought or learned overnight. It is something that is built over time through your actions and choices. It is a reflection of your values and beliefs, and it is what ultimately defines who you are as a person. 

Here are some steps you can take to becoming your higher self.

  • Clarity—People trust the clear and distrust the vague. Communicate clearly and frequently.
  • Compassion—Think beyond yourself: listen, show appreciation, be engaged, and serve others.
  • Consistency—Be consistent in your thoughts, words, and actions. Always ask, “Am I doing the right thing?”
  • Competency—Humility is the first step in learning. Stay competent and capable.
  • Commitment— Honor your commitments, which includes loyalty and dependability. People who stick with us when things are tough are the ones we can really trust.

Don’t be a victim of circumstances. Your choices create your circumstances. Own your choices and your actions

As you strive for success in all areas of your life focus on building a character that is rooted in integrity, honesty, and respect. Nurture your relationships with others, and always stay true to yourself.

In the end, it is your character that will truly determine your success and happiness in life. So, aim high, work hard, and always remember that while ability may take you to the top, it is your character that will keep you there.

Stu Crum’s college football heroics put him on the national radar as a model student-athlete. Tagged as a winner with a natural gift for leadership, he made his name internationally in key positions with Texaco, Shell Oil, Jiffy Lube, and Bridgestone, wrangling deals with the likes of activist investor Carl Icahn and other heavy hitters. Developing a simple, dynamic game plan that he calls intentional living, Crum lays out his playbook for success in faith, family, and business in his new book, AIM FOR THE UPRIGHTS The Intentional Playbook for Success in Faith, Family, and Business. Learn more at

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