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Success Advice

6 Fail-Proof Ways To Conquer Your Unreachable Goals



Image Credit: Joel Brown

Finding the motivation to carry out our goals is a challenge faced by many people. Though reflecting on areas of your life that need to change is a great starting point, you need motivational drive to actually implement these changes. Many people are skilled at reflecting inward and creating a list of accomplishments and tasks they wish to achieve, but then they stop there. As months and days pass by, they either find themselves criticizing their failures or ignoring their goals altogether.

The culprit in all of these scenarios is that people lack the motivation necessary to follow through. However, once you learn how to get and stay motivated, you will be on the path to finding the success and happiness you’ve been looking for.

Here are 6 Fail-Proof ways that you can set and accomplish even your wildest of goals.


Creating Reality-Based Goals

To have motivation, you need to have attainable goals. Nothing is as demotivating as setting targets that are too high to achieve. Wanting to be wealthy or skinny are not only vague and too broad, they are a long road to travel with no end in sight. Instead of wealthy, perhaps all you truly need is to implement a plan to pay down your credit cards. The point is that you need to set concise, clear end targets that you can achieve, or you will become unmotivated very quickly.


Build A Road Map For Each Goal

Now that you have a clear list of realistic end goals you want to achieve, it is time to build motivating road maps. Build a separate map for each area of your life you wish to change. There could be motivation maps for categories such as health, finances, career, relationships or any other area of self improvement that you desire to change.

At the bottom of the page, you would place “start,” which signifies where you are at this moment. At the top of the page, you will write your end goal. The important part of this process is filling in the space in between, which is comprised of smaller goals that will help you stay motivated and on the right track. If you were to plan a drive across the country, you would build your itinerary one step at a time. The same is true with a motivational road map. If your end goal is to change your career, for example, the first target would be getting your resume updated. The next in line might be to commit to checking the want ads every Sunday, and so on.


Celebrate Each Achievement

It is very important that you recognize and celebrate each motivational goal on your map. When you’ve achieved the first step, cross it off and pat yourself on your back. You are finally able to see that you are making progress, one step at a time. In the past, you lost your motivation because you didn’t have a plan in place. Your end goal felt overwhelming and too far away. But now you will stay motivated because you see that your targets are within reach, and each day you are one step closer.


Keep Your Eyes On The Motivational Road In Front Of You

Just like when you are driving, taking your eyes off of the road can be extremely dangerous. You can lose your motivation if your eyes are focused on other drivers out there. All that matters on your path to self improvement is you. It doesn’t matter if someone else has a better job, more money or a better physique. You will stay motivated if you understand that your goals are about being the best you that you can be. They are not about becoming someone else. So don’t get distracted while driving toward your targets and keep your eyes on the horizon.


Use Visualization Techniques For Constant Motivation

Your motivation road maps are your inspiration, so keep them close at hand, and see the progress you’ve made in each area of your life. People are motivated when they can see positive change at a glance. When people try to lose weight, seeing the numbers on the scale go down is very motivating. When a company sees their growth and success on a bar graph, they feel there is nothing they cannot accomplish. The same holds true for your own map. Keep looking at how far you’ve come, post it on a bulletin board or some area where you can be motivated by it each day. In addition, take time to relax and visualize what life will feel like when you reach your end goal.


Don’t Let Detours Keep You From Getting Back On Your Path

It is easy to lose motivation when challenges in life occur. Just like when traveling by car, there can be detours, the car can break down or the road can be closed altogether. Put simply, these things happen in life and cannot be avoided. The trouble lies when a setback permanently disrupts motivation. It is ok to put the car in park for a little while, to get your bearings straight – it doesn’t mean you’ve failed. However, do not let the unexpected erase all of your progress to date. Even the most difficult challenges in life such as loss, health concerns or losing a job, can have their own motivational road maps drawn to keep you on your path to self improvement. Remember that the key to happiness isn’t perfection, it is improving circumstances to be the best they can be. No matter what life hands you or what you need to improve, you will feel happier and more successful if you make a motivation road map for each area of your life, so that you can stay motivated to accomplish real change.


(Video) Anthony Robbins – Musts Vs Shoulds & Setting Goals

I am the the Founder of and I am so grateful you're here to be part of this awesome community. I love connecting with people who have a passion for Entrepreneurship, Self Development & Achieving Success. I started this website with the intention of educating and inspiring likeminded people to always strive for success no matter what their circumstances. I'm proud to say through my podcast and through this website we have impacted over 200 million lives in the last 10 years.



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