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10 Proven Methods That Successful Startups Live By



Image Credit: Unsplash

Being an entrepreneur
and starting your own business takes many things, and it’s not all about the cash. There are many inner demons to be dealt to get started and make your start-up successful.

Starting your own business helps you to face your fears, accept your limitations, and forces you to lay a foundation under those dreams. In fact, what looked good on paper may not make sense at all once the “real work” kicks in. Therefore, what ways can you improve your start-up to make an impact, and how can you solidify yourself in your market?


Small Business Startup Advice To Live By


1. Confirmed Customers

This is a set-in-stone rule that consummates entrepreneurial planning. Are you sure in advance that the product or service that you have to sell will have, or has, the customer base required to become a success? Many start-ups with good potential fail to adequately validate a customer base. A successful start-up measures its development on the foundation of verified, reliable, paying customers.


2. Good Planning

It’s been said over and over again, that having a good business plan is key to a successful business. Actually, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. You need some type of plan to know where you are going, but you must be flexible as well. A start-up that has actively planned a means of moving ahead, whether on a national or international level, and has a solid one to five year agenda, and is making perpetual and visible progress to meet important targets is poised to succeed.

I am a big believer in creating a business map and not so much a business plan per se. Keep it simple and definitely achievable, something that paints a clear picture in your mind of how you would like to see your startup mature in the coming years. The business world is evolving very rapidly nowadays, especially in the tech start up scene and it is good to keep an open mind and open plan when it comes to creating your goals and vision for the future.


3. Easy on the Cash

Living below your means is a maxim that applies to businesses as well. A conservative operation is the way to do it these days, and private corporate jets are out! An entrepreneur who can “take it easy” with the funds, even when there is plenty of funds available has a better chance of solidifying and keeping their business afloat.


4. Transparency means less Worries

Loyalty, veracity, and transparency are all linked. A successful start-up should have little to nothing to conceal. It’s just plain easier with less clandestine methods about billing, customer purchases, and pricing strategies. In addition, you are more likely to have a devoted staff as well.


5. Communication

Successful companies, entrepreneurs, leaders, and confident people in general have a knack for communicating well. They convey positive news and communicate adverse news with frankness and simple language. They are skillful communicators, point blank, and no great company can succeed without one. If you are not that one, hire someone who is. It is well worth the investment!


6. Don’t Set Expectations too High

You know you have what it takes; however, that enthusiasm must be tempered with a bit of realism. Setting your sights low does not mean that you shouldn’t “plan for success.” It only means that it will take work and there will be inevitable bumps in the road along the way. Your product or service may be revolutionary, but if you “go over the top” right from the start, a modest beginning may disappoint you. By starting conservative, a self-effacing success will be visible making you look even cleverer.


7. Start-up in the Hood

By creating and testing your product or services in your locale you have many advantages from the start. Distribution and advertising will cost much less. People you already know will be involved and more than likely they will be more honest with you. In this way, you can “brush up” on anything that needs tweaking. In addition, it’s easier locally to gain marketing advantages.


8. Grab the Easy Customers First

Just about every product or service has the potential to grab a particular group of customers. An entrepreneur should concentrate on that particular group with gusto. Market, allocate, and maintain them and odds are that your business will increase. Even that amount of success will encourage you to extend your business to more complex buying customers. On the other hand, if this strategy does not turn out they way you had hoped, it’s no reason to be discouraged, just change your strategy, and learn from your mistakes.


9. Partner with a Larger Company

Maybe a company similar, but not selling, the same product or service, could possibly assist you with climbing the ladder. Perhaps you can develop a temporary-partnership that will permit you to grab some of their muster. For example, if your company offers a pioneering exercise bike, maybe a local shop that sells exercise clothing will partner with you and you can split the profit. This may not seem attractive in the beginning, but hey, at least you get your name out there!


Short of a catastrophe, any entrepreneur that adheres to the points listed above is sure to make way and solidify themselves in the market they wish to conquer.

I am the the Founder of and I am so grateful you're here to be part of this awesome community. I love connecting with people who have a passion for Entrepreneurship, Self Development & Achieving Success. I started this website with the intention of educating and inspiring likeminded people to always strive for success no matter what their circumstances. I'm proud to say through my podcast and through this website we have impacted over 200 million lives in the last 10 years.



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