“This day I will drink every minute to its full. I will savor its taste and give thanks. I will maketh every hour count and each...
I found myself recently having to deal with a total a$$. All I did was send a short email to confirm I was doing the right...
I found out about Gary Vaynerchuk about six months ago. His videos would constantly appear on my LinkedIn feed. I didn’t know anything about him. One...
Kolby Kay is a renaissance man who wears many hats. He is a dynamic public speaker, a devoted Dad, a business strategist, the owner of several...
10 years ago, there were relatively few people in the western world that actively took part in meditation or mindfulness exercises on a regular basis. Now,...
We’ve all experienced a piece of writing that leaves us with goosebumps and inspires us. Until recently, I had forgotten which blog posts had done that...
Ever felt helpless before? When you know you’re doing the wrong thing but you can`t keep off it. Alcohol, drugs, food, laziness and tens of hours...