
4 Ways To Stay Motivated When Faced with Rejection



Rejection is simply one of the most hurtful things that can happen to any person. What makes it even more painful is the fact that whether we like it or not, it is bound to happen.

More so, anyone can face rejection in any area of their life. Regardless of where it occurs, the effects of rejection are the same. It hurts, it’s no fun and it happens to be the number one reason people are afraid to try. When faced with rejection, it is super important to have the strength to face rejection head on, accept it, learn from it and simply keep on pushing on.

But of course, this is easier said than done. All things equal, the number one major weapon that one needs when containing and dealing with rejection is motivation. Mind you, it is a difficult weapon to master when dealing with rejection which coincidentally has a devastating effect on one’s personal motivation. However, if you are struggling with staying motivated in the face of dealing with rejection in business or life, take a look below.

Here are 4 ways to help you stay motivated and conquer rejection in its tracks:


1. Be coachable

You try, you get knocked down. You keep getting knocked down and can’t seem to figure out why? We have all heard it, it is probably one of the most popular definitions floating around today. What you ask? It’s the definition of insanity; doing the same thing over and over again and getting the same results.  Every cloud has a silver lining and by being coachable, you open yourself up to the opportunity to learn new skills and improve the way you do things. There is no doubt about it, for learning and improvement to occur, one must be coachable. There is no short cut to this! Being coachable is about being open to the feedback and opinions given by others and using that feedback to help improve yourself in all facets of life.

On your journey of defeating rejection in its tracks, do yourself a favor and don’t let arrogance, defensiveness, pride or ego hinder your ability to become better at what you do. These traits must be avoided at all costs. Instead, one must embrace humility, objectivity, approachability, confidence and receptiveness among other things. Most importantly, don’t be afraid to relinquish control to help you stay motivated in overcoming the rejections you’re facing!



2. Keep your eye on the prize

Yes, you have been rejected, that doesn’t necessarily mean that your dreams and goals are invalid or unachievable. If anything, rejection should motivate you to pay even more attention to what you set out for in the first place. After all, it is 20% what happens to us and 80% how we respond to it. Paying attention to distractions and in this case rejection, only serves to take attention away from the main prize.

Instead of focusing on your stumbles and falls, why not take some time off to cool down, re-evaluate yourself and appreciate your achievements? Doing so, is a major step in ensuring that your gaze is not taken off the prize. Learn how to prioritize and focus on the bigger picture.


3. Don’t take it personal

This is simply one of the most spoken phrases in the world, but it is also one of the most useful pieces of advice that a person could be given. So what if you have been rejected? It is part of life, everyone gets rejected. Rejection does not mean that something is wrong with you.

When you let yourself believe that you are inadequate and that something is wrong with you, you are simply feeding the low self-esteem monster. When you let low self-esteem take over, then you might as well say goodbye to the successful achievement of your goals. Always remember, that for you to be successful, you must believe in yourself even when others don’t!


4. Never give up

Few people have achieved success by trying once. In fact, most people who have achieved success in their various fields is because they have tried multiple times. The more you try, the more chances you give yourself of succeeding. Even Rome itself, wasn’t built in a day. Giving up signifies that you no longer believe in your capabilities and strengths. Giving up means that you are not ready to learn from your mistakes. Giving up means that you have accepted defeat. Instead, carry on with the struggle, put more effort, avoid the wrong turns that you made before and appreciate the fact that no one, absolutely no one, is perfect.

“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” – Thomas Edison

Rejection is an unavoidable part of life; it is bound to happen at one point or another whether we like it or not. But by being coachable, keeping your eyes on the prize, not taking it personal and pushing on even when the going is rough, you can ensure that your motivation levels are sky high even in the face of rejection.

Thank you for reading my article! What other tips would you give to stay motivated when facing rejection?


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