The fact is none of us are going to wake up tomorrow and drastically transform our life in 24 hours. “Small changes eventually add up to...
In a fast-paced world of computers, the Internet, and digital commerce, starting a business is easy. Just launch your passionate idea with your Smartphone. It’s that...
The headline sounds like a plea and that’s because it is. It’s time we take action and make a stand. Many of us are unhappy and...
Let me guess, you’ve been putting something off recently. You’ve been dreaming of starting a business, writing a book, or talking to that attractive person in...
You can’t go into work anymore without a full-body shudder. The thought of doing whatever it is you’ve been doing for a couple years today is...
Firstly, I don’t give a damn whether you work for someone or you are an entrepreneur. These skills I’m about to talk about are relevant to...
You might have heard of the idea that people should get out of their comfort zone. For creatures of habits, this is a concept that seems...