Sir Phillip Anthony Hopkins is Welsh actor, director and movie producer. Hopkins claimed recognition in the film ‘The Lion in Winter’. In the 70s, Richard Attenborough...
Daniel Craig is a British-American actor who’s gained world-wide success through the James Bond series, starting from 2006, and filming his final movie in 2021. Daniel...
Matt Damon is an American actor, screenwriter, and movie producer; noted as one of the most bankable movie-stars in Hollywood. Matt Damon is involved in charities...
Dave Chappelle is an American standup comedian and actor. He is best well known for the ‘Chappelle’s Show’ from 2003 – 2006. Chappelle has acted in...
Mark Wahlberg is an inspiring actor who turned his life around from crimes, drugs, and bad choices throughout his life, to become one of the biggest...
Bruce Willis is an American Actor who has achieved fame from the role in the 1985 comedy drama ‘Moonlighting’. Bruce Willis is most well known for...
Thomas Jeffrey “Tom” Hanks is an American film actor and filmmaker. Some of Tom Hanks well-known movies that he has stared in are ‘Saving Private Ryan’, ‘Forest Gump’,...