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Success Advice

50 Sure-Fire Ways To Be A Humble And Respected Human Being



Image Credit: Unsplash

To be highly respected by those around us would have to be one of the greatest feats that a human being can reach in life. How you have earned your respect is the most important part of it all, are you significant because you threaten to get respect by others or are you admired by all because you are humble and have earned your way to the hearts around you through your kindness, appreciation and self respect?

In this post we have 50 sure-fire things that you can do to become a more humble, more respected individual.


How to be humble & respected

    1. Use the response “It’s My Pleasure” when someone thanks you for doing something.
    2. Use the response “I’d be honored” when someone asks you to help them or do something with them.
    3. Listen more than you talk
    4. Count to 3 before adding to a conversation to ensure the other person is done
    5. Be willing to follow another person in conversation even if you don’t get to talk about your idea
    6. Always offer to improve someone else’s idea and give them credit
    7. Give credit for other’s ideas that you are carrying through on
    8. Ask others for the opinion of others
    9. Ask others to join conversations and contribute
    10. It’s OK to be wrong and so admit it
    11. Admit when you don’t understand or know something
    12. Appreciate others who learn something quickly and say so
    13. Be quick to apologize when you do something wrong
    14. Study moral principles
    15. Use moral principles to guide you
    16. You are God’s creation, not your own
    17. Recognize your talents as gifts, not your own ability
    18. Know how your skills have only be developed by the help of others
    19. Share your own knowledge to pass on what you have learned
    20. Pass on thanks when you receive it to those who helped you achieve what was thanked
    21. Value other people’s time as much as your own
    22. Never equate time spent with people to a dollar value
    23. Don’t boast about your achievements, let others recognize them instead
    24. Keep your goals to yourself
    25. Help other people with their goals
    26. Realize the potential in others
    27. Know that timing is everything and everyone excels at different times in life
    28. Being the 1st follower is often the best way to lead
    29. Since winning isn’t everything, you don’t have to win
    30. Recognize that you have faults
    31. Remember you are a sinner (in other words, you are no better or worse than anyone else)
    32. Ignore first impressions of people
    33. Give others the benefit of the doubt
    34. Provide positive and encouraging feedback instead of criticism
    35. Make a choice to act more humbly
    36. Practice at least one humble act each day
    37. Be grateful for successes without boasting about them
    38. Know how to accept praise with a simple thank you, don’t elaborate on it or talk more about it
    39. Recognize the individualism of others and yourself, there is no need to conform
    40. Share your core values and live them accordingly regardless of the circumstances
    41. Prioritize things in your life and rate your actions on whether to followed that priority or not
    42. Rate other people as first, be less significant
    43. Forgive those who wrong you and move on without revenge or lashing back
    44. Serve others and not yourself first
    45. Seek wisdom, which is knowledge of what is true coupled with just judgment of action
    46. Recognize and know that you know little and there is always more to learn
    47. Avoid explosive reactions, and subside any aggression
    48. Accept new ideas and change, not being stuck on what you knew before
    49. Teach all that you can for the benefit of others
    50. Learn from and model the life of the most humble teachers in history (Jesus, Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Buddha, etc)

Article By Mike King from

I am the the Founder of and I am so grateful you're here to be part of this awesome community. I love connecting with people who have a passion for Entrepreneurship, Self Development & Achieving Success. I started this website with the intention of educating and inspiring likeminded people to always strive for success no matter what their circumstances. I'm proud to say through my podcast and through this website we have impacted over 200 million lives in the last 10 years.



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