“How can I trigger a state of happiness after all of this pain?” said my inner voice. This was a reoccurring thought of mine for the...
Isn’t it strange how mundane things can bring back really vivid memories? As the burnt toast hit the trash, I remembered how burn out meant my first...
Someone close to me is not doing so well. She’s dealing with fear, anxiety and depression all at the same time. Her predicament is my inspiration. It’s...
When it comes down to deciding which employee is going to get a raise, or who would be most qualified for a particular job, employers look...
The last few weeks I have had some amazing times. If only these experiences could last forever. Or can they? When we are in the moment...
Everywhere I go these days I hear so many discussions on greatness. We all have dreams and visions of grandeur. In fact, I have not met...
The Way You Think About Willpower is Hurting You. The idea of ego-depletion arose from a 1990 study done by psychologist Roy Braumeister at Case Western...