Only 2% of Bloggers Make Over $150,000 A Year. What If You Could Learn From Someone Whose Blog Is Worth Ten Times That?
Joel Brown is a Western Australian who’s always had an entrepreneurial attitude. From selling basketball cards on the playground to hosting a radio show in high school, Joel’s spirit always pulled him toward new business ventures. By 21 years old, he was managing major label music producers.
Why is this important to you as a blogger? Because one day Joel did something of significant value with his blog, Addicted2Success. Joel grew his blog achieving the following powerful benchmarks:
- 6 and 7-figure offers for his Addicted2Success (that he turned down, four times).
- More than 120,000,000 page views over the last 4 and a half years.
- Over 2,560,000 Social Media followers (combined).
The Formula eBook shows you how to create a highly profitable website in the fastest way possible (hurdle free). I have wasted over $10,000 dollars on over priced training workshops, DVD’s and audio books to finally find what does and does not work in the online world today.
Everyday I receive emails by those who have tried to make money online and have failed miserably because they just couldn’t get it right. They had no blueprint or effective plan in place to create something substantial enough. They want to know how I am able to leave my 9-5, create a 6 figure passive income and amass 3 Million views per month and growing in just a little under 3 years.
My guide is very simple and is an easy to read step by step guide that outlines only the most important things you need to know without all the sidetracks, and technical pitfalls most will usually encounter during their journey for online stardom.
This is the guide that I wish I had 6 and a half years ago. If I had this knowledge back then I would be where I am today in 6 months to a year. – Joel Brown (CEO & Founder of Addicted2Success.com)
I appreciate the support and commitment from you and I would love to offer you my eBook “The Formula” which comes with a Bonus eBook I created called Social Media Mastery.
This bonus book is packed with 45 effective ways to build an awesome community through your social media channels, just like we have at Addicted2Success.

A lot of you reading this right now have been scouring the web for quite some time, only to come across bogus information and dead ends on how to build a successful and highly profitable website.
I’m excited for you to finally hear my story and to finally have an easy to understand guide on doing this right!