Success Advice
Why People Don’t Understand Success And Drop Out Of Life

It’s so easy to get stuck on the hamster wheel of life and never get anywhere near being successful. Until you start viewing success as a fundamental part of your life, you will continue to be blinded by failure.
Success is not hard to grasp when you take the time to understand what those who have it do to attract success in their life. Promise me you won’t drop out from life and at least spend a few minutes to understand what you need to be successful.
Below are the 9 things people don’t understand about success:
1. It takes over your life
When you have carved out a path for success, it takes over your life. There is nothing else in the world you want to do, and you shoot distractions down with sniper rifle precision. If success is not taking over your life, then you haven’t discovered what your dream is just yet.
For me, now that I have discovered what success is, I won’t let anything get in my way. No person, no business, no roadblock, and no amount of failure. I will spend morning, noon, and night trying to find ways to inspire the world through entrepreneurship and personal development.
The path to success fills your mind with nothing but thoughts of what it’s going to be like when you achieve your dream. Having said that, you have to learn to enjoy the journey in the meantime otherwise you may never feel successful.
2. You’ll learn more about success through failure
Stop being afraid of failure. Failure is the best thing that can happen to you, and if you don’t understand it, then you’re screwed. Successful people are best friends with their failure, and they embrace what they can learn from it.
There is no failure really, only lessons to be learned. If all you ever have is success then you’re kidding yourself; you’re not really successful, and you’re just pretending you are. Your mind can only be tricked by something you don’t believe in for so long.
Eventually, your mind will reveal you as a fraud, and you will be left holding a dream that means nothing to you and makes you feel lifeless.
3. Move on from failure quickly
When failure happens – and it will – teach yourself to move on quickly and not stay on a downward spiral. Failure can keep you pinned to the ground for a long time if you let it. As you encounter failure, acknowledge it and then divert your attention back to your dream.
“The better you get at shifting your attention away from negative experiences in your life, the quicker you will reach success”
4. Stop procrastinating
The fastest way to drop out of life is to procrastinate. The most precious resource you have is time, and if you waste it, no amount of money can bring it back. Forget about the shopping mall; the shops are not going anywhere.
They will always be there to sell you things you don’t need that take you away from gratitude and make you feel like you need more when you don’t. The one thing that is standing between you and your success is action. Take action consistently and eventually, something will stick.
The amount of people I meet that have an excuse for everything in their life and business blows my mind.
“Excuses kill your success if you allow your mind to create them. Use your excuse making creativity to do something remarkable in the world instead”
5. Sell and sell hard
The point that everyone misses except sales people is this; we’re all sales people whether we like it or not. To be successful, you have to be able to sell ideas and dreams to other people. Stop ignoring this fact and concentrate on implementing it into your life.
Whenever you get the chance to sell, do it, and do it as hard as you can. Put all of your passion and body behind the pitch and don’t worry about the outcome. The more you sell, the better you will get at it.
We all sucked at selling initially until we mastered our minds ability to deliver through our limitless amounts of energy. Creating positive energy through sales is what attracts everything to you that will make you successful.
6. Dream big
It frustrates me how small our dreams have become. Why can’t you achieve worldwide success? Tell me. I believe you can if your dream and vision are big enough. Think of the craziest dream you can, and then start work on it today. Block out the noise of people’s opinions and focus on the belief you have about your ability to achieve it.
Small dreams will get you nowhere and make you mediocre. By being mediocre, you automatically disqualify yourself from being successful. I want to be a worldwide game changer and inspire the world through personal development and entrepreneurship.
I want to have a best-selling book and spend every day I have hanging around world leaders. I want to build a team of people who are obsessed with helping others. All of this is possible because I have wrapped these achievements in a big dream. Even if I don’t achieve each mini goal it doesn’t matter because by default, I will at least get a few of them which is better than getting none.
7. Add value no matter what
Standing around waiting for the world to give you something will not make you successful. You must become obsessed with adding value in everything you do. Get better at adding value as much as you can.
The greater the value is that you can add to people’s lives, the more value you get towards your dream. There are too many people waiting to receive handouts. Don’t be one of them and become a master at adding value in some useful form.
8. Stop being scared
I have bad news for you. Somewhere in the world right now as you are reading this, there is something horrible happening. A murder is being committed, a war is being started, and someone is losing a loved one.
You can’t stop these horrible things from happening, as they are part of our human existence. What you can do is stop being scared and not let fear take over your life. Channel the energy you put into your fear towards carving out your own path to success.
As long as you are scared, it’s unlikely you will take the calculated risks needed to get what you want. We all get scared. Those of us who can be scared and then can quickly change our physiology into confidence, are the ones who achieve unstoppable success.
9. Try 1000 things
Get good at trying 1000 different things until you find what works. I have tried everything from djing, to sport, to business, and failed a hundred different ways. The only way I found success was when I became relentless at trying everything.
Eventually, if you trial enough opportunities, you will find the one or two that form the basis of your dream. As you pursue these few activities, you will need to try many different ways to reach your goal. It’s not a matter of skill but a matter of trying lots of strategies to succeed.
Too many people don’t try enough paths in life and then wonder why they fail. There is always a solution to every problem as long as you get good at being prepared to keep having a go and changing your approach.