
The Most Shared Blog Posts Of All Time That Will Inspire You



We’ve all experienced a piece of writing that leaves us with goosebumps and inspires us. Until recently, I had forgotten which blog posts had done that too me. The most inspiring blog posts all have one thing in common: they evoke emotion.

The most shared blog posts make us see the world differently. They’re vulnerable, they highlight the role of courage, and they’re relatable no matter what culture you come from. We all get stuck in the hamster wheel of life and forget to take time out to rebuild our mindset.

We go to war every day with negativity and fail to come back to base once in a while to repair the wounds. Living a life of fulfillment and happiness is a daily struggle for me, and I know it’s the same for you. These blog posts below will help you to find inspiration in every situation. They’ll provide the sort of wisdom that a Buddhist monk will give you.

Here are the top 5 blog posts of all time:


1. Advice from 30 year old me to 20 year old me

Nic Haralambous wrote this incredibly simple blog post that has been shared a bunch on social media. What makes it so inspiring is that it’s easy to digest. Anyone can relate to what Nic is saying. He has written this piece from the heart, and passed on real advice that will inspire you to think differently.

His best point is around failing. Failing allows us to grow, and growth is what takes us to the next level. I feel like I’m becoming a Zen Master in my own life because I’m embracing failure. I’m doing things that have a high amount of risk associated with each goal.

The fear when you fail is what forces you to take action in the next chapter of your life. The answer to success lies in failure.

Read “Advice from 30 year old me to 20 year old me” here


2. The Subtle art of not giving a fuck

Mark Manson wrote this inspiring blog post about how to essentially let go. He pointed out to us that we don’t need to live up to anyone else’s standards. Standing out because we’re different is what makes us incredible in our own way, and we don’t need anyone to validate that.

People admire adversity, and so you should aim to not give a fuck when you fail. Marcus clearly articulates that when you care too much about the little things, it’s because you have no major goal or vision for your life. You’re stuck on autopilot heading towards a mountain that has no meaning to you whatsoever.

The moment you find that one thing that sends chills down your spine and makes you happy, all the small crap that doesn’t matter becomes irrelevant.

“You become the hero of your own story, rather than watching the other heroes win while you fail miserably and become depressed”

We only have so much energy and brainpower. Learning to focus and put your life into perspective is what this blog post is all about. Don’t let the F word put you off. This blog post is bold, direct, informative, and simply inspiring. No wonder it has become so popular that it’s been expanded into a best- selling book.


3. How To Think, To Get What You Want

Now I’m not biased by including an Addicted2Success article. I told you I would share the most shared blog posts that will inspire you and this one is exactly that. Laura Leigh Clark bravely tells us that in order to get what we want and feel successful, it all comes down to our thoughts.

Our reality is shaped by our thoughts. The guy or girl that has a better job or a bigger business than you got it because they thought they could. Their mind was focused on abundance rather than scarcity. Laura links up in our minds that our thoughts and experience are related.

If we think we’re going to fail, we will. It’s not blind faith; it’s focusing on the positive which will give you the strategies and mental capacity to overcome any challenge. This blog post would not have reached critical mass unless Laura included the next part: the actions you can take.

We all know that theory and “Rah! Rah!” inspiration is great, but it won’t help us change the game and inspire others. Laura’s advice is straight to the point, and she provides three fundamental steps that are required when you want to create what you want. Check this one out. Even re-reading it helped me overcome a current challenge in my life.

Read “How to think to get what you want” here


4. How to be THE LUCKIEST GUY ON THE PLANET in 4 Easy Steps

James Altucher teaches us how we can essentially master our own luck. He believes in luck but then goes on to say that there are things that assist in creating it. He also links the power of habit to his becoming luckier in life.

Most notably, he tells us all that our happiness is linked to our level of so-called luck, and that all of this really comes down to the action we take. It’s no surprise when James explains how important it is to master your mental state and your emotions.



5. How To Lose Weight In Four Easy Steps

Admittedly a blog post has never made me cry before. This was that blog post for me. Aaron Bleyaert shares his story of weight loss, although within two paragraphs it becomes clear that weight loss has nothing to do with his blog post.

Aaron boldly tells the story of his romantic heartbreak, and how any one of us can become the most powerful human being on the planet. He talks in a clear voice that reveals his every thought. He shows us how we all feel that we’re not enough, and how we focus on the shallow challenges like our weight.

To turn his life around, Aaron learned that he had to go through failure (a bad breakup) to get his lazy ass to the gym. Through all of his struggles, he shows us that when we hit rock bottom, it’s patience that will bring us back to life again. You must read this blog post!
What’s your favorite blog post that inspired you? I’m literally dying to know and can’t get enough of inspiring blog posts. Send me your favorite via or through Facebook.
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