
10 Reasons Why CrossFit Is Kick Ass!



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Sweat, Puke, Rinse, Repeat! Simply put, our bodies are amazing, our hard work is awesome, and winning is a sensational feeling. With a triple victory, what else could you ask for? CrossFit was created by Greg Glassman. It is a strength and conditioning program which many tactical teams, police academies, martial artists, and military special ops units use to create the perfect application for anyone who is committed, regardless of their experience. From cage fighters to elderly individuals with heart disease, this program is an impressive movement provides a strong propensity for hard work.

CrossFit aims to constantly vary functional movement, which is performed at a high intensity. The actual definition is ‘an increased work-capacity across modal domains and broad time’, which means the ability to do a ass-load of work in various ways in various amounts of time. Whoever does the most wins because they are the most fit.
Here is a rope.Here is a weight.Here is a box.

Now climb, lift, and jump.

Who will accomplish the most in a fifteen minute period? Whoever does the most, wins. It is that simple. But what is it about CrossFit that makes it super kick ass? With regular exercise, you will raise endorphins, provide an outlet for your stress, and lower cortisol, which makes for a way less-stressed you. This can be great for you at in general, but also in at home and in the office as well. Yes, yes, and more yes! Not only does CrossFit change your mental attitude, but it helps generate a more happy, healthy, you–and isn’t that every one’s major goal in life?


Here are 10 reasons why CrossFit is awesome:



1. Get Sick Less Often–WAY Less Often!

CrossFitters make for a healthy, resilient bunch! By maintaining a healthy diet (more than likely with Paleo Lean), you are increasing your energy levels and increasing your immunity as well. Exercising regularly helps strengthen your physical strength, immune system, and makes us less susceptible to injuries and nasty viruses.

Have you ever noticed that when everyone seems to be sick, you might feel a bit drowsier than usual, but as a whole you just keep on truckin’ through the cloud of sickness? Yeah, sure, some may snicker as you steadily munch down on some kale-chips, tuna-everything, and protein enriched nut mixes, but you know that one day, the sickness will come again, and it won’t be after you! Ultimately, this rule applies to anyone who is dedicated to exercising regularly, and maintaining a healthy diet.

Besides, CrossFit makes you awesome, and who doesn’t want to be awesome?!


2. CrossFitters Connect

I am sure you have heard the joke: “How can you tell if someone is doing CrossFit?”, And someone replied, “Well, to be honest and truthful, I even have it on my CV!”. Well, even if you have not heard that one–discovering others who share the same connections and hobbies as you (especially someone you work with) can be grounds for easy conversation and great connections. You will ultimately be regarded as a better person (and feel better about yourself too), when you feel like you are part of a team. A bad ass CrossFit team!


3. A Positive Change In Productivity Throughout Your Day

A Healthy lifestyles means a less need for supplements. By supplements, we are talking about energy-boosters, such as energy drinks, coffee and tea, and those cute little 5 hour energy bottles. Why would you need them when your days of 2:30-funks are left in the dust thanks to CrossFit and its bad ass ability to provide us a well fuelled every level throughout the day?

Regular meals are your main source of energy, so instead of heading straight to the gas station for a quicker-picker-upper, you will still be pumped and feeling great–able to plow right on through your day leaving your colleagues in your dust! Um, AMAZING.


4. You Don’t Just Want Physical Strength–You Want Mental Strength, Too!

CrossFit athletes who make progress are dedicated to hard work. You get out what you put in. Not everyone has the strength to drudge through endless sessions of killer workout and exercise routines, such as wall balls, sumo-dead lifts, toes to bar, and thrusters! When faced with a challenge–busy shifts or complicated matters to resolve generally speaking–CrossFitters know how to approach issues by breaking them down and turning them into manageable sections, because you are able to preserve much of your energy, as well as maintain and apply outstanding self-control!


5. Slackers Lose!

Slackers may as well put a big-red-X through their daily agendas, but not you! As a CrossFit athlete, you maintain progress by increasing endurance, strength, and stamina. (Not to mention every other aspect of physical performance!) All of these require dedication, and hard work on your end, but you are willing to do this to achieve the euphoric-high you receive by pushing through, and reaching your goals. You know that by performing shallow air-squats, or not getting your chest to deck during a push-up, you are only cheating yourself! To a CrossFitter, that seems like a waste of perfectly good chance to increase your abilities. You take these values seriously, and imply them to your everyday life–to every aspect of your life.

You are a 100-percent-er, you carry these values with you to work, give 110% on all of your daily tasks, and you are efficient and organized in displaying these qualities because you are a go-getter, you go and get it, and you bring it back! A true CrossFitter have the ability to ‘role model’ these techniques throughout the course of their day.


6. Bad Ass Time Management Skills

As a CrossFitter, you have mastered the skill of using time wisely. With your hectic schedule, it is not always easy to make it to the gym 3-5 times per week–not to mention any personal extra curricular activities you enjoy after work! You must plan your routine around family, social commitments, kids, and work! What a headache! CrossFitters usually plan their week out ahead of time, around their CrossFit sessions. You will find yourself very aware of everything that you have going on, and be able to manage it all–which is key. Any CrossFitter who can pull this off as a long-term commitment will be able to easily sort through their calendars, making time management a breeze.


7. Productivity

Let us take a poll–how many lazy CrossFitters have you met? Oh, none? Not sure anyone has heard of one! Slackers are not particularly able to last any length of time in an environment that requires your keen decision-making on how hard you are able to work. There are thinkers, and then there are doers. CrossFitters are by all means the true definition of ‘doers’. Setting goals and working hard to attain these goals–if you need to do something, you get up and do it! No questions asked, no lolly-gagging or wandering aimlessly trying your damnedest to procrastinate, not you!

CrossFitters understand time is precious. Why would you waste your time if you can easily manage and attain your goals in a timely manner? You wouldn’t! More than likely, if you see others around you need anything after you have completed the tasks you have set out to do. You are proactive. You have no problem going out of your way to find something else to do. It all goes back to this: A body which is in motion, stays in motion. A body in rest, tends to stay in rest. You have heard that one before, we all have. CrossFitters just do it better!


8. Ability To Maintain Your Stress

CrossFitters maintain lower stress levels generally speaking. You possess the remarkable ability to prioritize your time during the day to get to the gym by changing your thought process. Instead of stressing over your hectic day of meetings, crying children and terrible weather, you head to the gym and feel great knowing what makes you stronger not only makes you happier, but healthier, too. You just feel great after a good workout session! Regular exercise is known to raise endorphins, provide us with an outlet for stress, and lower cortisol–the makings for a less stressed you–which is great for everyone who surrounds you! (Especially the guy next to you!)


9. Passion Shines Though Your Every Sweat-Drenched Pore

A CrossFit lifestyle comes with challenge, which is fine, because you enjoy it. Many CrossFitters have had their lifestyle choices challenged by others. Some say it is a cult, some fear injury–others insist it is just a fad, that there is no science behind it. I know you have heard this one: “Bread is full of great nutritional values and important nutrients, our bodies have adapted to the needs which bread provides.” Well, you have got some news for them–you are going to take a deep breath, and methodically prove them wrong with your structured argumentative abilities, and take their criticism on head-first.

You won’t necessarily turn blue-in-the-face trying to convince others of all the benefits of your lifestyle, but you will display your skills-to-pay-the-bills with confidence, and know that the right information will land you logical, constructed arguments in which to counter anyone who wants to argue about your personal choices. Some will come to see through the eyes of CrossFitters, others will remain uneducated and ignorant to the greatness you provide yourself on a daily basis.


10. The CrossFit Games

CrossFit initially set out to increase work-capacities over a long period of time–and since then, the entire spectrum has evolved into a sport. Whoever produces the greatest amount of work under the provided circumstances is crowned champion. Two renowned CrossFitters are Chris Spealler, and Kristan Cleaver.

Chris Spealler began CrossFit without a coach in 2006, and has now as a completed certificate in the course CrossFit Level One. He has attended more than one specialty course, and has experienced a life-changing journey because of CrossFit. He trains others, and speaks out about how lucky he finds himself to be a part of some of the earliest years of CrossFit, as he enjoys seeing new growth and how it benefits so many different people.

Kristan Clever is another popular name you have more than likely heard of. She believes that there is more to this lifestyle, and thanks to The CrossFit games, now has the opportunity to prove this to her family. She also believes that everything should be gone into with a strategy behind it so every outcome has a better chance of becoming a successful, or great outcome. She has been participating in The Games since 2010.

So you see, while CrossFit is challenging as hell, its tough-as-nails nature attacks competitive types, and everyone works their ass off. From fitness programs to Games, new enthusiasts have emerged. Check out any CrossFit box, and you are sure to find a group of welcoming and friendly fitness-freaks. It is exciting to be so ‘amped up’ about getting fit, and CrossFitters love to share their passion. Anytime you bring a butt-load of people together to work incredibly hard, good things will come. That is why team mates are tight-knit, successful, and extremely loyal. Everything they do is extreme–how awesome is that?! The most magical aspect of CrossFit, is that it is a great community, an awesome community, a movement.

Faster, Longer, Harder. CrossFit!

What Is Crossfit?:

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