91 Inspirational Mark Wahlberg Quotes On Success
Mark Wahlberg is an inspiring actor who turned his life around from crimes, drugs, and bad choices throughout his life, to become one of the biggest movie stars and producers in Hollywood! Some of his top movies are Ted, Shooter, Daddy’s Home 1 & 2, Uncharted, Lone Survivor, and finally the TV series that portrayed Mark’s life and friends; ‘Entourage’.
Check out these inspirational Mark Wahlberg quotes on his acting career and life experience!
Here are 91 Inspiring Mark Wahlberg Quotes:
1. “All that running around in my underwear put money in my pockets. I can focus on working in interesting movies without having to worry about supporting myself.” – Mark Wahlberg
2. “I have a lot of real life experience with hustling and doing stupid stuff.” – Mark Wahlberg
3. “I want people to come see my films and enjoy them but at the end of the day you can’t control what people think.” – Mark Wahlberg
4. “[I want to be remembered] as a great servant of God who tried to give back as much as possible, and as a great father and husband.” – Mark Wahlberg
5. “I’ve been in enough movies to know that when you’re on the set and you start shooting, you’re looking at playback and you get a sense of what it’s going to be like.” – Mark Wahlberg
6. “I do understand that going out and promoting the movie is a big responsibility, and part of the reason they give me the job in the first place.” – Mark Wahlberg
7. “Well every moment, every project is different. I took a very slow approach to acting, trying to really work with people I could learn from. And I got something different out of each experience.” – Mark Wahlberg
8. “I prepare mentally and physically for everything I do. I like having to do both, because you submerge yourself into the character and the world and you live it until it’s over.” – Mark Wahlberg
9. “I’m much more concerned with being a good dad than a good actor, being there for my children, educating them and hopefully helping them avoid some of the mistakes that I’ve made.” – Mark Wahlberg
10. “I work as hard as anybody will ever work and I like that. That’s why I’ve been successful and that is when I feel good about myself. If I do my damnedest and don’t succeed, I feel good about the effort.” – Mark Wahlberg
11. “I think the most important thing is to always be involved in every aspect of their life. To give them enough trust that they can share things with you. I don’t want them to be terrified of me, you know? But I don’t want them to think they can do whatever they want and get away with it, either, because they can’t.” – Mark Wahlberg
12. “I’ve always been into working out and eating healthy. That’s just who I am.” – Mark Wahlberg
13. “Working with talented people and challenging myself as an actor [excites me].” – Mark Wahlberg
14. “I never got on the course with my dad, but to be playing golf with my kids – that’s a dream.” – Mark Wahlberg
15. “There will be new and exciting filmmakers to come and movies that will be great successes.” – Mark Wahlberg
16. “I always root for the bad guy and I don’t think you have a great movie without a great villain.” – Mark Wahlberg
17. “Every time I do a movie, I’m reading the script, or if it’s something I have coming up, I’m reading the script, and I just spend hours and hours and days and weeks and months going over the script and just writing a lot of different ideas down, finding a little dialogue or just coming up with ideas for scenes and moments and all that kind of stuff.” – Mark Wahlberg
18. “I just focus on my work with inner-city kids, and in my community, and on my philanthropic work.” – Mark Wahlberg
19. “I love roles where I am required to prepare physically. And it’s fun putting on weight and eating.” – Mark Wahlberg
20. “I’m the guy who does his job. You must be the other guy.” – Mark Wahlberg
21. “The environment I was raised in, you had to, to survive.” – Mark Wahlberg
22. “A lot of people tend to chew up the scenery. I’m a firm believer in less is more, especially on the big screen.” – Mark Wahlberg
23. “The only thing I don’t like about acting is that it takes so much time away from my family. Otherwise, I don’t have any complaints.” – Mark Wahlberg
24. “I’ve always looked at my career as an athlete would look at his: I won’t play forever. Some don’t know when to walk away, but the smart ones do.” – Mark Wahlberg
25. “You know, there’s nothing like seeing the smile on my kids’ faces. Laughing together. Playing. It’s the best.” – Mark Wahlberg
26. “If I can start my day out by saying my prayers and getting myself focused, then I know I’m doing the right thing. That 10 minutes helps me in every way throughout the day.” – Mark Wahlberg
27. “I don’t like to eat in movies. I don’t like props. Some people have always got to have a thing and they’re doing this or doing that. I hate it. I just want to talk or fight. Or both!” – Mark Wahlberg
28. “Having more success allows you more freedom to take more risks and do things.” – Mark Wahlberg
29. “There are guys who want to look good, and there are guys who want to perform at their best. Being fit is about being able to perform at your best, not necessarily just looking your best.” – Mark Wahlberg
30. “When you go into a starring position and you’re carrying a movie, it’s important that people like it. So I only do things that I can connect with in some sort of way, or that I can identify with.” – Mark Wahlberg
31. “I don’t intend to be insensitive to the victims and their families but, at the same time, as an actor, it’s our job, and we are obligated to portray the characters in the most realistic way possible.” – Mark Wahlberg
32. “I want to give my kids the world, but I also want them to appreciate everything, to succeed, to be good people, to enjoy life. This is my most important role. If I fail at this, I fail at everything.” – Mark Wahlberg
33. “If I succeed in business but fail as a father, then I’ve failed.” – Mark Wahlberg
34. “A lot of talented actors still have to pay their bills.” – Mark Wahlberg
35. “For me, family always comes first I would do anything to protect them.” – Mark Wahlberg
36. “Most of the humor comes from how outrageous the situations and circumstances are.” – Mark Wahlberg
37. “The best part of a great movie is a great villain and I usually have a tendency to root for the bad guy.” – Mark Wahlberg
38. “I pray to be a good servant to God, a father, a husband, a son, a friend, a brother, an uncle, a good neighbor, a good leader to those who look up to me, a good follower to those who are serving God and doing the right thing.” – Mark Wahlberg
39. “I did a lot of things that I regretted and I certainly paid for my mistakes. You have to go and ask for forgiveness and it wasn’t until I really started doing good and doing right, by other people as well as myself, that I really started to feel that guilt go away. So I don’t have a problem going to sleep at night.” – Mark Wahlberg
40. “Look, if you’re driving down the highway at 120 miles an hour, I’d rather be behind the wheel than in the backseat.” – Mark Wahlberg
41. “I also like to get out there to promote a positive message about the importance of family and faith and of doing the right thing.” – Mark Wahlberg
42. “Boston didn’t always have the best reputation, nor did I, growing up in Boston, as a kid with challenges and obstacles in front of me.” – Mark Wahlberg
43. “I’m proud to be white. I don’t have anything against my color. But I don’t think color matters, either. Just like I feel it doesn’t matter that I’m a white dude doin’ black music.” – Mark Wahlberg
44. “It’s never been more difficult or complicated for me to make a movie. It’s about my home, my people, my community.” – Mark Wahlberg
45. “I like to talk to people. I’ve got one assistant, one Blackberry. That’s my overhead. I don’t text that much or email. I like to sit down face-to-face and have a conversation with you. I’m old-fashioned.” – Mark Wahlberg
46. “I always try to bring a little bit of my own personality to the character, or some sort of personal connection makes it a little bit more of an organic portrayal and the audience can kind of maybe believe it a little bit more. But I always look for something to kind of connect with and identify with, or bring something of myself to the table.” – Mark Wahlberg
47. “It’s funny, because when you’re younger you’re in a rush to be 18 or 21 or whatever. But then you hit 30. And now, the days go by like hours. You think, 40, man, this could be the halfway point. It could be the three-quarters point, you know? Who knows?” – Mark Wahlberg
48. “I have more money now than I know what to do with.” – Mark Wahlberg
49. “I miss being able to wake up when I want and go on stage when I want and pull down my pants when I want.” – Mark Wahlberg
50. “It’s always been a dream of mine, and a childhood fantasy, to play a great champion. I would much rather haven been an athlete than an actor. This is like some second place consolation prize.” – Mark Wahlberg
51. “Well, I would love it if they could take all the guns away. Unfortunately, you can’t do that so you hope that good people in the world have them to protect the people who can’t protect themselves.” – Mark Wahlberg
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53. “I stopped smoking weed for my kids. One day, we were driving and you could smell it from somewhere. My daughter asked what the smell was so I told her it was a skunk. Then she said, ‘Sometimes Daddy smells like that!’ to me and my wife. So I knew I had to quit.” – Mark Wahlberg
54. “Music is my life. The last job I had, I was a bricklayer’s apprentice. And I was happy with that job, too, because it was something that made me feel good. To build a wall for the side of a building felt really good to me.” – Mark Wahlberg
55. “I’m always friendly and encouraging on set. I want people to be at their best creatively.” – Mark Wahlberg
56. “I would definitely like to direct at some point. I’ve been very fortunate to work with some amazing talent and study them. But when the right time and the right story arrives, and I feel like I’m compelled to tell it, then I’ll do that.” – Mark Wahlberg
57. “It’s all about love and how we are all connected.” – Mark Wahlberg
58. “I’ve got a pretty wide range of stuff that I’m interested in in life. But producing… it gives me a lot more time at home to spend with my family as opposed to being away on location shooting nights for months at a time.” – Mark Wahlberg
59. “I don’t go to Mass every day. But I go to church every day. Just sitting there, thinking – it’s a great way to start the morning, you know? You feel so good coming out, and your approach to everything is suddenly really clear.” – Mark Wahlberg
60. “I’ve always wanted to be in the health and wellness business. I try to encourage people to live a healthy lifestyle.” – Mark Wahlberg
61. “The world obviously needs to change… if we can’t protect our innocent women and children, then we have a serious problem.” – Mark Wahlberg
62. “I attribute all of my success to my Catholic faith. My faith has given me the ability to be a good father, a good husband and most importantly a good person.” – Mark Wahlberg
63. “Even my going back to school was to inspire young people that it’s never too late to education. That’s all I can do, and try to be the best father and husband that I can be.” – Mark Wahlberg
64. “I grew up in predominantly black neighborhoods and went to predominantly black schools. And hip-hop is what I grew up listening to in my teenage years. Basically I’m just being myself.” – Mark Wahlberg
65. “Having two daughters changed my perspective on a lot of things, and I definitely have a newfound respect for women. And I think I finally became a good and real man when I had a daughter.” – Mark Wahlberg
66. “I don’t enjoy doing nothing or sitting in my trailer watching ESPN.” – Mark Wahlberg
67. “I don’t want to let my guard down and feel too comfortable. If you become complacent, you start feeling entitled. I’m ready to go dig ditches if I have to. Whatever I gotta do to provide for my family. Whatever I gotta do to make sure that I do the best possible job at whatever wonderful opportunities I’ve been handed.” – Mark Wahlberg
68. “I love movies that are challenging to me both physically and emotionally and that I have to take a lot of time leading up to it to get into that headspace and live in that headspace throughout the course of the production.” – Mark Wahlberg
69. “There aren’t really many compliments flying around with me and my friends. It’s a lot of tough love. But you know, that love is there and if you need to have a serious conversation you just gotta wait for the right time to do it.” – Mark Wahlberg
70. “I approach a comedy the same way I do a drama. I try to make it as real as possible.” – Mark Wahlberg
71. “I’ve always wanted to do right in life. But the wanting and the doing aren’t quite the same thing.” – Mark Wahlberg
72. “The important thing is that ever since I realized all the wrongs that I had done, I have been trying to correct them for the past 27 years.” – Mark Wahlberg
73. “Hopefully, we’re still living in the land of second chances.” – Mark Wahlberg
74. “Pretty early on in making the first movie I realized that this is what I wanted to do. I felt like by that time I just found my niche, like this is what I was supposed to be doing. So I completely submerged myself into the world of watching movies, making my own movies, buying video cameras and lights. When I wasn’t making a movie, I was making my own movies. When I wasn’t making movies, I was watching movies. I was going back and studying film and looking back at guys that were perceived as great guys that I can identify with. It just became my life.” – Mark Wahlberg
75. “I’m only doing whatever the next role calls for.” – Mark Wahlberg
76. “As soon as I ended up being incarcerated, I said, you know, this is not the life for me.” – Mark Wahlberg
77. “There’s nothing better than meeting somebody with a great soul, and a great spirit and a good heart.” – Mark Wahlberg
78. “I never lie. I believe everything I say, so it’s not a lie.” – Mark Wahlberg
79. “If I am awarded a pardon for my philanthropic work, great; if not, I will continue to be involved in the community and to work just as hard, if not harder, to prevent kids from going down the same road and making the same mistakes.” – Mark Wahlberg
80. “I’m fortunate that my job gives me the motivation to be as fit as possible. I wound up in a profession that requires physical and mental preparation, so I get to prepare like an athlete for everything I do. I’m living the dream, man.” – Mark Wahlberg
81. “As far as I’m concerned, there’s no job more important on the planet than being a mom.” – Mark Wahlberg
82. “I don’t wanna hear nobody complain that they’re getting paid all this money and people won’t leave them alone. It’s part of it.” – Mark Wahlberg
83. “Success for me is just having a job and have the studio feel confident that I can go out there and make a movie that people will enjoy.” – Mark Wahlberg
84. “I embrace old age. Look, I’m never going to dunk on LeBron James, and I’ve learned to accept that. I got a pretty good life, and I’m very fortunate, and I have my blessings.” – Mark Wahlberg
85. “I just want to do the best possible job with everything that I do. But I’m far more concerned with being a good father as opposed to being a good actor because that’s what’s really going to matter.” – Mark Wahlberg
86. “But no, I’m not political. My obligation is to pull the lever and elect somebody who’s going to make life a little better for everybody, especially those who don’t have as much good fortune as others.” – Mark Wahlberg
87. “The first thing I do when I start my day is, I get down on my hands and knees and give thanks to God. Whenever I go outside of my house, the first thing I do is stop at the church.” – Mark Wahlberg
88. “I love being on sets with very seasoned directors as well as very new directors. Every time is a discovery process. You learn something new every time.” – Mark Wahlberg
89. “I always tend to like the characters that I play. I’m convinced that I am this person and I’m OK with whatever they do.” – Mark Wahlberg
90. “I like to do projects I feel some connection to.” – Mark Wahlberg
91. “I approach everything the same. I try to make it as real as possible, whether you gotta make people laugh or make people cry, it’s always the same approach for me. But if I start doing pratfalls, somebody please pull the plug on me.” – Mark Wahlberg