32 Inspirational Ben Affleck Quotes On Success
Ben Affleck is an American actor, producer, screen-writer, and director; who has won 2 Academy Awards and 3 Golden Globe Awards. Affleck gained great recognition from ‘Good Will Hunting’, with his childhood friend Matt Damon. Other movies Ben Affleck has acted in are Pearl Harbour, Armageddon, Chasing Amy, Dogma, Mallrats, and undertook the role of Batman in 2016.
Check out these motivational Ben Affleck quotes on life, and success as an actor!
Here are 32 Inspirational Ben Affleck Quotes:
1. “Anybody tells you that money is the root of all evil doesn’t have any.” – Ben Affleck
2. “I’ve learned to think, I may succeed or fail, but I’m going to do so on the merit of my own instincts.” – Ben Affleck
3. “I have a good relationship with the world. But I don’t know what the trick is to maintaining it.” – Ben Affleck
4. “But when I felt like I had something to prove? Then I got up early every morning and worked all day long. I didn’t know if I had any more talent than anyone else directing, but I knew I could work hard at it, and so I did.” – Ben Affleck
5. “I’m human, just like anybody else.” – Ben Affleck
6. “The trap for an actor is that you become too successful at what you’re trying to do, and you can find yourself stuck there.” – Ben Affleck
7. “Its not who you love. Its how.” – Ben Affleck
8. “Sometimes the people we meet change us forever.” – Ben Affleck
9. “It’s important for me to try my hand at philanthropy because I want to leave behind a record of someone who did more than just gobble up stuff for themselves. I realized that a life lived for yourself is not much of a life.” – Ben Affleck
10. “I feel things more deeply… anything to do with kids. It just makes a big difference in my life… Having a child is like taking the deepest core vulnerable aspect of myself, reaching in and taking it outside of my body.” – Ben Affleck
11. “You have to be kind to people. Treat them decently. There’s no excuse for not.” – Ben Affleck
12. “Sure, I suffered a lot. But it’s not like the end of the world and it’s not who I am. I lead quite a pleasant life and I’m able to divorce a perceived reality from my actual experience of life.” – Ben Affleck
13. “Narcissism is the part of my personality that I am the least proud of, and I certainly don’t like to see it highlighted in everybody else I meet.” – Ben Affleck
14. “I try new things and give myself permission to fail and experiment because only that way can you get really successful.” – Ben Affleck
15. “No matter how much you change, you still got to pay the price for the things you’ve done.” – Ben Affleck
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17. “I’ve finally learnt how to say, ‘No comment’. To appear in the tabloids is a real learning curve and a steep one at that. You had better learn quick or you get burnt.” – Ben Affleck
18. “The value of work, and of always learning something new, and what it takes to achieve excellence. I really believe in those things that you have to dedicate yourself and spend time, that excellence is elusive. It’s a little maddening, to try to have that level of discipline in your life, and I don’t succeed all the time. But I do try.” – Ben Affleck
19. “I find forgiveness to be really healthy.” – Ben Affleck
20. “A sale is made on every call you make. Either you sell the client some stock or he sells you a reason he can’t. Either way a sale is made, the only question is: Who is gonna close?” – Ben Affleck
21. “Memories, all those little experiences make up the fabric of our lives and on balance, I wouldn’t want to erase any of them, tempting though it may be.” – Ben Affleck
22. “I grew up in a home environment where I wasn’t getting esteem for anything I did.” – Ben Affleck
23. “There’s a lot of crazy, weird people out there. It’s an ugly world.” – Ben Affleck
24. “All I do, really, is go to work and try to be professional, be on time and be prepared.” – Ben Affleck
25. “My professional success is really important to me, and my career is really important to me. It’s the most important thing to me outside of my family.” – Ben Affleck
26. “I’m trying to make people feel welcome and feel valued.” – Ben Affleck
27. “No matter what you’re doing, if you’re trying to make a movie, you need to be working with people that are really good and who make you better.” – Ben Affleck
28. “I have a good instinct for what’s real and what’s not. I don’t have to second-guess myself.” – Ben Affleck
29. “If we try to define our own moral universe, there’s a price for that.” – Ben Affleck
30. “Man is still good. We fight. We kill. We betray one another. But we can rebuild. We can do better. We will. We have to.” – Ben Affleck
31. “I think I’d rather tell the truth and say what I believe in and make people unhappy than sort of pretend to think something else to accommodate them and try to be liked.” – Ben Affleck
32. “You wasted $150,000 on an education you could have got for a buck fifty in late charges at the public library.” – Ben Affleck