
Embrace The Passion Of The Moment: Here’s How.



I’m sitting here on a Saturday afternoon thinking about my next career move. There are two companies I’m in love with and I’ve just had a spark of inspiration.

I’m dealing with a recruiter who knows both of them. Instead of waiting until Monday morning to send him a note about my passion for these two companies, I decided f*ck it; I’m going to embrace the passion I have right now.

Delaying moments of greatness is selling yourself short.
Expressing passion is incredibly powerful.

Rather than write these words and not follow them myself, I decided to write a letter to the recruiter.

I told him “Person X should definitely have coffee with me.”

I laid out the ten reasons why I can transform their business and linked it back to my passion (blogging).

I ended the email with “Can you feel my passion and energy?”

How bad do you want it?

In these moments of passion, you have to ask yourself “How bad do you want it?”

Are you going to sit on your ass and do nothing or are you going to create opportunity?

My career is down the toilet and only I can fix this challenge. Blaming, crying and complaining will not fix the issue. The passion of the current moment that I get from time to time will.

The same is true for you. If you want something, you have to not only execute but deliver passion too. Think clearly about who can help you and then make the connection.

Don’t be selfish either.

Passion is great but if you use it to fulfill your own selfish desires, then you’ll also fail. In my email, to the recruiter, I told him to tell the two prospective companies that I will give them my advice and strategy for free even if they don’t decide to hire me.

I put it all on the line and backed up my claims and promises with evidence.

“Coming from a place of humbleness and being open to giving stuff away for free is how you show people you care”

Combine this hack with passion, and you have a powerful cocktail of whoop ass that can help you reach your goals – mine is changing my career.

People are attracted to your passion and it’s what sells.

Every entrepreneur I have met who has nailed a pitch has used passion. They’ve made the audience feel instead of trying to inform them.

We make decisions based on emotion, not logic (you know this already) and so when you use passion, you speak to the one thing they’re looking for but are never going to tell you: emotion.

When I feel someone’s passion, I get goosebumps down my spine and I almost always say yes when this happens.

Let’s add fear.

When you lay it all on the line, you’ll often get a sharp dose of fear. This fear can be combined with passion to achieve almost any result. For example, when I do public speaking, I’m almost always a bit nervous. Fear helps give me energy and then I use passion to deliver my message.

By using mostly passion to speak in front of an audience, I don’t need to think too much about notes because my passions (like social media) are engrained in my memory.

Fear is like a strong dose of coffee for me and it makes me alert to the audiences needs and the way they feel.

The single biggest hack.

If you’re having a moment of passion like I just did, then you must use it.

“Moments of passion are typically followed by deep states of “flow” and so you can deliver big results during this time without too much effort”

Moments of passion should never be ignored. Stop everything when you get one and use audio, video or words to capture the message. I’ve recently suffered a few issues with memory thanks to my evil friend mercury which has been discovered in my blood at very high levels.

Because my memory sucks, I’ve been forced to write things down and take action right away otherwise I forget whatever it is that I was going to do.

This may seem like a weakness – not for long as I’m cleaning out the mercury right now – but it’s actually one of my superpowers.

A trigger for a moment of passion is when you get pissed off. For example, if you go to the supermarket today and you’re pissed off by all the products that are loaded with sugar, use your passion to do something about it or capture your thoughts.

Many people find me inspiring and I believe that’s because I capture passion, bottle it up, and deliver it to your phone or computer via blog posts. All I am really doing is capturing moments of passion. I’m looking for things in my internal and external world that will help you.

The number one thing I’m trying to do is use my passion to help you take action. I want you to execute above everything else on your big goals.

Final thought.

I have no idea whether this email to the recruiter will work. Maybe he will read it and think “Geez this Tim guy is so lame. Who’d write such a ridiculous email and actually hit send?”

The thing is I don’t care and you shouldn’t either. Some people are going to get your passion and others are going to think you’re nuts. The ones that think you’re nuts were never going to help you anyway so all you have done is self-select the people that CAN help.

I’m over caring what people think and I’m never going to hide my passion. I hid my passion for years and that got me nowhere. Start swinging the axe at the tree and don’t worry if you miss.

Fingers crossed that this email translates otherwise at least I’ve got a cool story to tell, right?

Hell yeah, amigo!

Embrace your passion right now!

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