45 Inspirational Shailene Woodley Quotes Just For YOU
Shailene Woodley is an American actress and activist who gained fame from the ABC Family drama ‘The Secret Life of the American Teenage’. And is well known from the ‘Divergence’ movie trilogy. Woodley is an environmental activist in which she is a board member of ‘Political Action Committee Our Revolution’.
Check out these inspirational Shailene Woodley quotes on life and success as an actress!
Here are 40 Inspirational Shailene Woodley Quotes:
1. “Every single journey that I’ve embarked on, I’ve learned something new.” – Shailene Woodley
2. “Worry is the product of a future that we cannot guarantee and guilt is the product of a past we cannot change.” – Shailene Woodley
3. “Start small – if you drink soda, stop drinking soda. You don’t have to make every single change at once or overnight, you can make them slowly to adjust to figure out what works for your body, there is no formula and there is also no right or wrong.” – Shailene Woodley
4. “If I’m passionate about something, I’ll do everything I can to be a part of it.” – Shailene Woodley
5. “Acting is about the art of it and it’s about being on a film set and doing your thing, painting a blank canvas.” – Shailene Woodley
6. “In order to help those around you, and in order to even be a good actress and a good mother at the same time, you have to know your worth.” – Shailene Woodley
7. “Every single character in the world, every creature in the world has something to give and something to learn.” – Shailene Woodley
8. “I fall in love with human beings based on who they are, not based on what they do or what sex they are.” – Shailene Woodley
9. “How is the world going to advance if we’re always comparing ourselves to others?” – Shailene Woodley
10. “You have a pre-conceived notion of what you want the scene to be, but once you get there, that goes out the window and it turns out to be a way that you never imagined.” – Shailene Woodley
11. “The reason I keep acting is that it fuels some kind of passion in me, but the day that those butterflies stop, is the day that I’m gonna quit because I could care less about the magazines or being famous or the money or the awards.” – Shailene Woodley
12. “When you’re on set and you professionally listen to what the other actors have to say, then the emotion is naturally evoked.” – Shailene Woodley
13. “A great actor is simply just seeing him or herself, and reacting to what exists around them.” – Shailene Woodley
14. “You really can’t prepare for anything in life. The second you know what’s going to happen, there’s always a curve ball, so I’m just chillin’, cruising along for the ride.” – Shailene Woodley
15. “Everything is sacred and nothing is sacred.” – Shailene Woodley
16. “You forget that you do choose your life, and there are so many things to be grateful for. I feel like society has gotten to that point where we’re always looking for the next and the better, and we lose sight of what’s actually in front of us.” – Shailene Woodley
17. “I feel like I’m kind of an obvious person. I like to keep some things in my life sacred, like keep the sacred, sacred. Apart from that part of my life, I’m a very open person.” – Shailene Woodley
18. “I’d always wanted to do a film than TV show because film is always where my heart has been. I like diving into the character for a few months, and then leaving it behind. I love the idea of that.” – Shailene Woodley
19. “I live my life with a lot of integrity based on what I want for my life and who I am.” – Shailene Woodley
20. “At the end of the day, as entertaining as movies are, when you’re part of them in a way, it’s this beautiful art form and that’s what it feels like for me. I’m not a painter, but I can express myself visually in a way that allows me to artistically create.” – Shailene Woodley
21. “I’m generally a very annoyingly positive person, in real life. I think that might have something to do with my gravitation towards angry human beings on screen.” – Shailene Woodley
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23. “I never thought Hollywood is the life I want to do. I thought acting is the life I want to do.” – Shailene Woodley
24. “I choose to surround myself with happy human beings. I went through the angsty period. I think every single person does. I think it’s a rite of passage to hate the world and feel like the victim.” – Shailene Woodley
25. “I’m done living for other people. I’m done being a people pleaser. I’m done thinking about what people think about me.” – Shailene Woodley
26. “Everything is out of your control, and you can only be truthful about how you feel.” – Shailene Woodley
27. “It’s all about what fuels my soul and if I’m passionate about a screenplay then that’s what I’ll do next.” – Shailene Woodley
28. “Nothing really attracts me to the film industry, to be perfectly honest. I look at acting as an art, and that’s all it is for me. It’s just fun.” – Shailene Woodley
29. “I think you get the most honest performances when an actor shows up to set with their lines memorized. That’s a very important thing that a lot of people seem to forget.” – Shailene Woodley
30. “Every single morning you wake up with the opportunity to be yourself, or be the idea of someone else. For me it is all about… My favorite mantra is: “You do you. I do me. They do they.” – Shailene Woodley
31. “I think the most important thing in life is self-love, because if you don’t have self-love, and respect for everything about your own body, your own soul, your own capsule, then how can you have an authentic relationship with anyone else?” – Shailene Woodley
32. “I have a tendency to talk extremely fast. I think the fastness comes from the fact that I get very excited about things and I just want to spit them out.” – Shailene Woodley
33. “I’m always like ‘I’m too skinny, I can’t gain weight, even when I try.’ I’d like to try to not let that get to me.” – Shailene Woodley
34. “This earth is exciting. There are so many things happening.” – Shailene Woodley
35. “There is a point in every teenager’s life where they are forced to come into themselves.” – Shailene Woodley
36. “For me acting is a passion and an art, and always will only be that. I don’t have any rules when it comes to acting. I’ll do anything.” – Shailene Woodley
37. “Everything about my lifestyle is fairly alternative. I gather my own spring water from mountains every month. I go to a farm to get my food. I make everything from my own toothpaste to my own body lotions and face oils. I could go on for hours. I make my own medicines; I don’t get those from doctors. I make my own cheese and forage wild foods and identify wild plants. It’s an entire lifestyle. It’s appealing to my soul.” – Shailene Woodley
38. “It’s rare that you get to work with actors, female or not, where you all get along. Just because of the nature of humanity.” – Shailene Woodley
39. “I’m fascinated to see the future of social media and also how the generation who grew up with it will evolve into adulthood.” – Shailene Woodley
40. “I’d like to be like a hummingbird. You see them every now and then. You don’t see them everywhere.” – Shailene Woodley
41. “The best way to become a character is by osmosis as opposed to thinking directly about stuff. The more material that you have and understand and have a going in, then the more complex your character and the understanding of your character will be.” – Shailene Woodley
42. “I’m not an actor who approaches films doing a lot of research. I do zero research, unless it’s a film where I’m playing a mock version of someone who already existed. Then, you’ve got to do a lot of research.” – Shailene Woodley
43. “The thing with labels is they’re not for you, they’re for other people. Like labels are just a word for other people to understand you and that’s it.” – Shailene Woodley
44. “As a teenager, my struggle was how do I balance being empathetic and compassionate towards my peers, while also living my life for myself and not basing my decisions on those around me, and really living a life where I receive my happiness from my own experiences rather than from people pleasing.” – Shailene Woodley
45. “People always ask about the transition from TV show to a movie, but it felt like just going to a different school. You don’t really notice the transition, when you’re in the moment.” – Shailene Woodley