
(Video) Lets Make Kony Famous – This Is Your Chance To Change The World



This video here will resonate around the globe in weeks to come. Who is Kony? Well The Invisible Children and millions of people around the world are set to make Kony famous through facebook status updates, twitter tweets, video shares and word of mouth. Kony must be stopped and by you watching this video and sharing this message you have the chance to change the world.

Watch this video now to be inspired by what us as humans can really do with our power in numbers.


Who Is Joseph Kony? – Kony 2012 Video


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Lets STOP Joseph Kony This 2012! – Kony 2012 links below:

Sign the Kony 2012 Pledge Now

Order Kony 2012 Posters & Bracelets Here

Donate Money To The Kony Fund


Celebrities are already showing their support for the Joseph Kony Arrest:




Kony 2012 Quotes To Live By


“Humanities’ greatest desire is to belong and connect.” – Jason Russell

“Right now, there are more people on Facebook than were on the planet 200 years ago.” – Jason Russell

“Who are you to end a war? I am here to tell you – who are you not to?” – Jason Russell

“If we succeed, we change the course of human history.” – Jason Russell

“It’s hard to look back on some parts of human history, because when we heard about injustice, we cared, but we didn’t know what to do. Too often, we did nothing. But if we are going to change that, we have to start somewhere. So we are starting with Joseph Kony, because now, we know what to do.” – Jason Russell

“I’ve talked to people from Mexico, from Canada, from every other state I can think of… we are all doing this for the exact same reason and we are all coming from completely different places, this is what the world should be like.” – Unknown (Kony 2012)

“The better world we want is coming, it’s just waiting for us to stop at nothing.” – Jason Russell

“If a senator or congressman notices 25 phone calls, on any issue, on any given day, it is noted.” – Russ Feingold

“It’s obvious that Kony should be stopped; the problem is 99% of the planet doesn’t know who he is. If they knew, Kony would have been stopped long ago.” – Jason Russell

 “We are not just studying human history, we are shaping it.” – Jason Russell




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